ICSE 2024

Last week, I visited the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal to present my first lead-author paper, Semantic Analysis of Macro Usage for Portability, at ICSE 2024.

I attended both the main conference and the CHASE workshop, and while most of the speakers and their presentations did not impress me, there were a number of exceptional presentations. Note that I wasn’t able to attend all the talks (that would be impossible since multiple talks were begin given simultaneously throughout the event), but out of the ones I attended, these were by far the best:

I would recommend keeping an eye on all these presenters, and if you get the chance to attend their future talks, go for it! I know I will :)

Finally, I realize that in this post I haven’t really described what I consider to be a good presentation. That’s because I plan on dedicating a future post to that topic. I plan to have that post out by the end of May, and when I do I’ll link it here. Basically, all the talks I’ve listed in this post follow most, if not all, of the tenets I’m going to outline in that future post.