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What makes a good presentation
June 01, 2024

My mentors have shown me what makes for a good presentation, and now I can’t un-see the fact that most presentations are just awful. After reading this post you won’t be able to un-see it either - and you’ll learn how to stand out from the crowd by making an excellent presentation instead.

My 2024 Vacation to Portugal
May 12, 2024

After attending ICSE a few weeks ago, my girlfriend and I had a blast exploring in and around Lisbon, Portugal. Here are all the places we visited, as well my brief thoughts on them.

ICSE 2024
April 28, 2024

Last week, I visited the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal to present my first lead-author paper, Semantic Analysis of Macro Usage for Portability, at ICSE 2024.

Solving the Grecian Computer
December 31, 2023

My brother gave my a difficult puzzle for Christmas, so I wrote a program to solve it for me.

365 Days of LeetCode
September 30, 2023

I solved LeetCode’s daily problem every day for 365 days straight.

Playing with Parsers
July 24, 2022

I wrote the same program in 10 different programming languages. Here’s how the performance of the different implementations stack up to each other.

PLDI 2022
June 26, 2022

This past week I traveled to sunny San Diego to attend the 2022 edition of the Programming Language Design and Implementation conference (PLDI 2022). I spoke with many intelligent individuals and sat in on some great presentations.

Writing an Interpreter in Haskell
June 11, 2022

Hi all! In this post I will describe how I created an interpreter for the esoteric programming language Brainf**k (original title not censored). In the rest of this post I will abbreviate Brainf**k as BF.

ICSE 2022
June 04, 2022

Last week I attended my first conference: the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022). I had a great time! I attended quite a few interesting talks, formed new connections with other researchers, and even explored some of Pittsburgh.

In the Thick of It
September 18, 2021

Hello! It’s been a while since my last post.

A New Chapter
June 27, 2021

This past month has been a whirlwind of activity for me! I was not able to do as much research as I would have liked due to personal obligations and events in my life, which I am eager to share 🙂

Summer is Here!
May 30, 2021

And I have been (trying) to make the most of it!

April 25, 2021

Woo! I was very busy for most of this month, and the weeks just flew by. Now April’s almost over, and in a week I will have graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

One Day at a Time
March 28, 2021

Last month, I established a few quarterly goals for myself. Now I am happy to say that I have achieved them.

Flow State
February 28, 2021

This month, I have began a new routine; or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a ritual.

Hello, Spring
February 06, 2021

The spring 2021 semester has officially started, and my time as an undergraduate student is coming to an end. I’m nervous and excited to be moving on to the next step in my life, which should hopefully be graduate school (fingers crossed that I get in 🤞).

Happy New Year
January 03, 2021

Happy New Year! 🎊

Farewell, Fall 2020!
December 09, 2020

Today I finished my last exam of this semester. Hurray! I am excited for Winter Break and the holidays 🎅

My New Site
December 07, 2020

Hello! I’ve recently decided to remake my personal website using GitHub Pages and Jekyll.